Monday, May 21, 2012

Life. Money Monday {Elements of a Budget pt.2}

Last time for money monday i wrote a little bit on examining what you are already spending. This time we will be looking at goal setting.

Setting goals needs to accurately reflect what you are capable and willing to do in your spending. There have been a few times when i was a little zealous on cutting back and just couldn't keep up. This can be discouraging. The following are categories that Dave Ramsey (my financial hero) uses to describe how much you should be spending and where. Remember that their isn't one fix all. Depending on your income level and location your figures will probably look different, but this should give you a ballpark of what is reasonable in every area.


Charitable gifts











Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oh How Pinteresting {Wedding Cake Edition}

This weekend I will be a bridesmaid for my wonderful friend Carissa. I am super excited so this week I am gearing up for the big day with Oh How Pinteresting (sponsored by the Vintage Apple) {Wedding Cake Edition}......because the cake is my favorite part :). 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

People. Personality

I have a huge weakness....
I LOVE personality tests!!!
As in more than a normal amount. I know which friends characters I am (Chandler/Rachael) whether or not I would survive a zombie apocalypse (I would survive the whole thing) and of course my meyers brigs (ISTP). Anyone else share this addiction?

OK. So my new test is the four temperaments test. You can be: phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine, or choleric. OK. I know those words don't make any sense, but for the record Im Phlegmatic which means cool, calm and collected.
What are you guys? You can take the quiz here!

Happy Quizzing!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Money Monday: Elements of a Budget Pt 1.

I will be doing a series for the next few weeks on how to budget. I'm kind of a nerd about budgeting (I may have gotten my degree in finance and I'm the financial manager of a non-profit....sooo I guess it comes with the territory)

Here is what it will look like:
Week 1) What are you spending right now?
Week 2) Goal Setting
Week 3) Tracking your progress
Week 4) Compare and Adjust

Lets do this!

What are you spending right now?

Before you can really make a budget, you really need to understand how you have already been spending your money. I like to divide up my expenditures in the following categories (and sub-categories).

Necessary Expenditures: car payment, insurance, rent, tithe, school loan payments

Semi-Necessary Expenditures: utilities, groceries, gas, paying off credit cards (if you have any), phone bill, cable, internet, repairs

Extra Stuff: gym membership, personal maintenance (mani/pedi, shampoo etc.), eating out, presents for others, shopping trips, extra giving and anything else you can think of.

Note: I assigned the expenditures to the categories in a way that reflects me own life, feel free to adjust as you like.

Your assignment: Add up your totals for your expenditures AND categories for the past month- if your feeling particularly nerdy go for the past three months. Then reflect on your spending, how do you feel about it? Does it seem high in some areas and low in others?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Love. Friday

Today I am linking up once again with the lovely Lauren at From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday. Can I just say that this is pretty much my favorite link up there is! It reminds me every week to be grateful for the amazing life that God has given me. LOVE IT! 

So here are my top 5:

1) Spring came!!! ( a miracle for the Pacific Northwest) 

2) Yesterday at the gym my trainer challenged me to do a one arm snatch(35lbs) for the first time. I thought he was crazy, but check out what happened :) 

4) We got an espresso machine at work!!!!! 

5) I picked up my shoes for Carissa's Wedding - yes, I am wearing Toms under my floor length bridesmaid dress :) 


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Love. Chocolate {too much?}

Yesterday, I up'ed my foodie status {foodie- an adjective used to describe a person who snobbishly loves gourmet food}  

I had a chocolate tasting party. 
It's like wine tasting, but for the chocolate junkie :)

We love chocolate!!!!!

Here is what we did: 1) Find several selections of high quality chocolate (look at the ingredients- the less the better and the best is when you actually know what it is!) 2) Separate (and eat) going from the lightest to the darkest. 3) Cleanse your palette between tastes with sparkling mineral water and bread. 4) Let each piece of chocolate melt in your mouth- paying attention to the texture and flavor. 5) Choose your favorite piece. Mine was the darkest-82%. YUM!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

life. dreams

Today, I have been thinking about dreams. We all have them big or small and they usually take up a lot of our thoughts. I am a Christian so I am also always wondering what does God think about this too. I was listening to a sermon this week and the pastor was talking about how we are motivated by three things: 1) Selfishness 2) Fear and 3) Love. Fear and selfishness suck the life out of anyone but love energizes. I think that God loves our dreams that are motivated by love. In fact, I think that most of those even came from Him. 

My love dream: Community- I am a lover of the body of Christ and seeing people share life together. I believe that there is no event too small to attend to support the ones you love and attending these events (like choir concerts, wedding showers and birthday parties) shows that you care and honor this person. My dream is greater sence of love and unity.  

What's your love dream?